This part was used on many GM vehicles for twilight sentinel. The part is louvered to allow a certain amount of light into the photo cell.
This rubber that was never available that holds the photo cell. What holds the photo cell cover tight is the piece of rubber we also reproduced. This keeps everything where it belongs.
Original GM Part number # 25513466 and was discontinued in April 1984.
The GM replacement part number # 25502553 was discontinued in August of 1989.
The GM replacement part number # 10045823 was discontinued in April 1995.
The final replacement was GM part number #25521070. This part was discontinued in January 1996.
We are listing these do to a search feature for anyone looking for this hard to find part. 23 years later we reproduced it. With the volume of speaker bezels sold this was one of the parts we were always asked for.
If you need the actual GM photo cell we have a limited amount available here:
This was not an easy part to duplicate. So dont fall over when you see the price.
This part includes the plastic and new rubber retainer.
Photo cell with rubber retainer $49.95